Frequently Asked Questions

Select an Announcement to view questions and answers for the specific funding opportunity. Alternatively select "Non-Announcement related items" to view system FAQ items.

Question 1: Where can I find user guides for NETL eXCHANGE?
Answer 1: User guides for NETL eXCHANGE are available here:
Question 2: How do I submit a letter of intent, concept paper, or full application through NETL eXCHANGE?
Answer 2: To get started, first register for an account by going to: You will also need a account for multifactor authentication. Once registered, you will be able to click the "Apply" button for open Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) currently posted on NETL eXCHANGE. Refer to the User Guides at for more information.
Question 3: Is there someone at NETL I can talk to about my letter of intent, concept paper, or full application?
Answer 3: All questions related to an open Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) must be submitted in accordance with the instructions contained in Section VII of the FOA document. The process contained in the FOA ensures all potential applicants have access to the same information, thereby maintaining the integrity of the competitive process.
Question 4: Who should I contact if I have questions about how to submit my letter of intent, concept paper, or full application in NETL Exchange?
Answer 4: Depending on the type of questions you have, there are several resources available. For technical assistance, contact the NETL eXCHANGE helpdesk at For questions about submitting your application, please see Section IV of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), titled Application and Submission Information. For questions about FOA content, please refer to the instructions contained in Section VII of the FOA document.
Question 5: How do I know if my letter of intent, concept paper, or full application was submitted successfully in NETL eXCHANGE?
Answer 5: All applicants will receive an automated response when their letter of intent, concept paper, or full application is successfully uploaded. This automated response serves as a confirmation of receipt by NETL. Please retain this automated response for your records.
Question 6: Can I edit my letter of intent, concept paper, or full application after submitting it?
Answer 6: Unless the Funding Opportunity Announcement states otherwise, applicants may revise or update a submission until the expiration of the applicable deadline. If changes are made, the applicant must resubmit their letter of intent, concept paper, or full application before the applicable deadline.
Question 7: Who should I contact if I experience technical difficulties using NETL eXCHANGE?
Answer 7: Applicants who experience technical issues submitting their letter of intent, concept paper, or full application prior to the applicable deadline should contact the NETL Exchange helpdesk at for assistance. Please provide any screenshots and relevant information that could aid in resolving your issue.
Question 8: Can my letter of intent, concept paper, or full application be submitted after the deadline?
Answer 8: NETL eXCHANGE cannot accept late submissions. Please be cognizant of all deadlines. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their letter of intent, concept paper, or full application at least 48 hours in advance of the applicable submission deadline.